Resources News
New website design
Today, we launched our re-engineered website. Beside a fresh design, we significantly optimized responsiveness and page loading times. State-of-the-art web programming now offers new interactive features throughout all of our pages. Feel free to explore!
Blog Article
New Blog System Online
We are proud to introduce you to our new blog system. Stay tuned for background articles, interviews, and practical case studies on hot topics in networking. Our senior scientists will soon start blogging, supported by a variety of well-known guest authors.
Leitwert moves to Ingolstadt
We are moving to our new headquarters at the heart of Ingolstadt along the banks of the River Danube. A part of the Munich metropolitan area, we now reside half an hour south of the Bavarian capital. Stop by for a cup of coffee at any time!
Paper Accepted
Reliable Assessment of BGP Hijacking Attacks
Our paper has been accepted for publication by the IEEE Journal on Selected Areas in Communications. With this work, we developed the Hijacking Event Analysis Program (HEAP), a novel approach to assess the legitimacy of BGP hijacking alarms in real-time.
Welcome on board
We are reinforcing our team and welcome a senior network engineer, Leonhard Rabel, MSc., who is going to lead our new development division. We greatly look forward to working together on current and future projects. Thanks for joining the crew!
Best Paper Award
Dr. Johann Schlamp has received the best paper award for his paper titled "Investigating the Nature of Routing Anomalies: Closing in on Subprefix Hijacking Attacks". He accepted the award at TMA'15 in Barcelona, Spain on behalf of all co-authors. Congratulations!